engine water temperature gauge
Waterless Engine Coolant

Waterless coolants contain no oxygen and operate at much lower pressures, reducing engine strain.

Evans Waterless Engine Coolants

Evans Engine Coolants are waterless to maximize performance. This line of engine coolants contains no water and operates at lower pressures, reducing engine strain and eliminating corrosion. The higher boiling point of this formula results in more efficient cooling by eliminating vapour pockets and cavitation at engine hot spots.

  • The only 100% water-free coolant
  • Waterless coolant for cars, bikes, heavy-duty vehicles and more
  • Eliminates risk of overheating
  • A complete replacement for corrosion-causing water-based coolants.

We also offer a variety of products that provide unprecidented corrosion protection on metallic surfaces from Lear Chemical Research.
product information icon

Water generates high vapor pressures as its temperature increases. Find out more details here.

videos of waterless engine coolant applications

See what others including Jay Leno and Edd China say about our waterless engine coolant products in these videos.

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Contact us at 416-419-3161 and find out about our bulk order discounts.